Tuesday 4 October 2011

Editing in Movies

What does Editing do?
The narrative's order and story is brought together through editing. By editing something, you are linking clips together to make a whole continuous film.

How does it work?
Certain clips are cut to the appropriate length and our connected tightly together in a sequence. Once the basic sequence wokrs as one, effects, credits and most importantly a soundtrack can be added.

Is way of switching from one shot to the next. This is done very quickly, which creates an on going, continous atmosphere.

Is where one shot dissolves/fades out while another dissolves/fades in. Both shots are visible on the screen without cross-cutting

Is were a shot fades out completely to black. This initiates the end of a certain scene or section of a film. This particular form of editing gives the viewer or audience time to reflect on the scene which they have just witnessed.

Jump Cut:-
Is when different shots of the same thing are shown while the camera is less than 45 degrees.

How does the shot reverse shot help the narrative or generate meaning?
This particular shot technique is used to help keep up the narrative, by flicking between two characters, helping us understand the storyline.

Why is the 180 degree rule important?
The 180 degree rule is an extremely important way of filming, as it enables the audience to visually connect with unseen movement happening around and behind the immediate subject in a particular scene. If the line is crossed by the camera, this would alter the placement of the immediate subject and would confuse the viewer.

How and why is the point of view shot used?
A point of view shot is a scene which shows what a character/subject is looking at (represented through the camera). This shot is very effective as it lets members of the audience see events as they happen through the eye of the actor/subject in question, as if they are experiencing the events themselves. This helps the viewer empathise with the characterand feel a personal connection to them and their experiences.

How else can the P.O.V. shot be generated?
Point of view shots can be generated by using a handheld camera or a tracking shot. These techniques both can generate a point of view shot, however a handheld camera can create a shakey, more disorientating effect, whereas a tracking shot will give a smoother, clearer effect.

What is parallel or cross cut editing?
Cross-cutting is an editing technique used in films to establish action occurring at the same time in two different locations. In a cross-cut, the camera will cut away from one action scene to another, which can suggest the simultaneity of these two action filled events.

What editing techniques are used to generate suspense?
Many different shots are used to create suspense. For e.g. a close up shot of a character or subject can clearly show the audience their emotion and feelings. Split screen shots can also be used, showing alot of things going on at once, often at a fast speed adding to tension and excitement felt by the viewer. In horror films, the handheld point of view shot can be used very effectively to create great suspense, allowing the audience to see the action through the characters eyes, and almost feel as if they are in the film themselves. The handheld effect can add a disorientating and shakey effect which in its self creates suspense.

Explain in your own words how the mouse sequence generates tension

Why is timing important in editing?
Timing is important in editing as it inforces a sense on continuity to the particular scene. All elements, i.e. camera shots, music and audio work smoothly together to make the scene flow and appear more realistic to the viewer.

Explain in your own words what the continuity system is
The continuity system is a technique used in cinematic film were a scene cuts straight to another, flowing smoothly as one, with no noticable cutting breaks.

Why does editing strive to be invisible?
If done well, editing strives to be invisible as to allow the film to look as realistic and smoot as possible to the audience, creating a desired outcome as a whole.

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