Monday 5 September 2011

Preliminary Task Brainstorm
In todays lesson, we focused on our preliminary exercise, brainstorming four main ideas which could be developed and used in our final piece.
We considered all of these ideas for our preliminary exercise, but in the end, decided as a group that it would be more beneficial to develop and link our prelim to our main task. We had already worked out a rough concept for our main task and felt it would be fitting to try and link the two together. The theory for our preliminary task is set a couple of months after the narrative of our main task. We are introduced with the notion that the killer has escaped from the mental asylum in which she was a dangerous, high risk patient. To make sure we include all the necessary camera types - match on action, shot reverse shot, 180 degree rule etc. we have come up with a rough story of which we will create a storyboard.
The basic outline of the narrative is The main character, arriving at the mental asylum after receiving an urgent phone call from the doctor. He will be shown entering the door, sitting down with the doctor as she tells him of the recent escape, and rushing out of the asylum in a panic.
We all worked together with this narrative and the order of which the 3 main shot types will be used and feel this is a good idea for our first 'practise run' as it were.

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